Social media newsletters made by creators for creators

Two newsletters, one goal.

The Socialize Forecast

  • Every Tuesday - Straight to your inbox!

  • Full of the hottest trends and original content ideas

  • Learn with weekly tutorials and tips

  • Click here to read a sample!

The Socialize Strategy

  • Every Friday - Straight to your inbox!

  • Provides a deep dive into social media techniques to help you grow and improve your own social media strategy

  • Click here to read a sample!

Learn more with our free social media resources

We have tons of free resources available to YOU so you can work on your social media skills in between newsletters.


Our easy-to-follow tutorials by @themuthership provide quick, in-depth lessons that tackle one element of social media at a time.


Monthly, live workshops are 60 min sessions where larger social media concepts techniques are taught. Join live and ask questions!


Enroll in our FREE social media courses focused on helping you become an expert, learning the ins and outs of social media.

We’re here to help you achieve your goals on social media

After building a community of 1.2M+ on social media, @themuthership knows firsthand how creating a personal brand can unlock unique opportunities in your professional and personal life. Socialize is here to help you reach your potential on social media by providing two, weekly emails packed with content ideas and strategies for growth.

Join 16k+ creators who love our newsletters